Home 10 Years of Africa GreenTec

10 Years of Africa GreenTec:
Wolfgang Rams Takes Over Leadership from Torsten Schreiber

Wolfgang & Torsten in Meo

After Wolfgang Rams was appointed CEO at the end of 2023, he will now, as planned, take over the operational duties of his predecessor Torsten Schreiber on the occasion of the company's 10th anniversary. Torsten Schreiber is stepping down from the board.

End of the Pioneer Years - Beginning of a New Growth Phase

Torsten Schreiber says: “Wolfgang Rams has been on board as an investor since the company was founded and was one of the first to believe in Africa GreenTec's mission. He accompanied me on my travels to Africa early on and has been serving on the board for over 4 years. He knows the market and our customers. At the end of last year, we agreed to transfer leadership to Wolfgang. I wish him and the entire team the greatest success. The 10th company anniversary is the right time to now also hand over my operational board duties to him. Whenever our advice is needed, Aida and I will support the company.”

Adjusting Strategy to the Requirements of the Capital Market

In the future, profitability will be more in focus. However, impact remains a core part of the brand. Scalable, sales-oriented structures, combined with a strong emphasis on the expertise of the country subsidiaries, are intended to lay the foundation for the desired growth. Strategic investors and partnerships are intended to help leverage the structures lived by Africa GreenTec. The successfully implemented projects are important references and blueprints for operational implementation, including training and the creation of local jobs. Africa GreenTec will enhance its performance by tapping into previously unused potentials.

“Aida and Torsten Schreiber have proven that entrepreneurial personalities are capable of achieving the impossible and being role models for sustainable change. Without them, founding such an inspiring company as Africa GreenTec, which has engaged over 4,000 investors to date, would not have been possible,” says Wolfgang Rams. “Increased demands on the profitability of social business models now require a new strategy with a stronger focus on profitability, partnerships, and growth. Africa GreenTec and all its employees thank Aida and Torsten for their outstanding pioneering work. Their advice will continue to accompany the company in the future.”

Since 2014, Africa GreenTec has been offering comprehensive system solutions for the generation and distribution of electricity in off-grid regions of Africa. The robustness and performance of these intelligent systems—from the prepaid tariff system to remote maintenance—must withstand the harsh conditions of the African continent daily and regularly exceed European standards. With the help of our ImpactSites® , entire communities in rural regions are equipped with electricity and sustainable technologies. Africa GreenTec also helps larger companies in the industrial and service sectors achieve greater productivity and cost-effective energy. Today, from Senegal to Madagascar, over 150,000 people and numerous companies can access Africa GreenTec's solutions.


Home AGT launches pilot project in Madagascar

Africa GreenTec installiert erstes Mini-Grid-Projekt mit 100 % Erneuerbarer Energie in ganz Madagaskar


Auf der UN-Klima­konferenz wurde viel über die Auswirkungen des Klima­wandels gesprochen. Besonders Regionen in Subsahara-Afrika sind bereits jetzt stark davon betroffen. Dringend benötigte konkrete Maßnahmen, um das 1,5-Grad-Ziel einzuhalten und Klima­gerechtigkeit zu erreichen, vermissten jedoch viele auf der Konferenz. Das deutsch-afrikanische Sozial­unternehmen Africa GreenTec zeigt, wie man die Probleme vor Ort mit innovativen solar­betriebenen Lösungen konkret angehen kann. Nach erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekten in Mali, Niger und Senegal folgte Ende Juli 2022 die Inbetrieb­nahme des Pilot­projektes in Madagaskar.

Die dort errichtete sogenannte ImpactSite® von Africa GreenTec versorgt die 6500-Einwohner-Community Mahavelona in der Region Itasy seitdem mit Solar­strom. Dieses Projekt ist nicht nur für das Sozial­unternehmen und seinen Partner Polarstern Energie ein Meilen­stein, sondern auch für das Land Madagaskar selbst. Denn der Solar­park mit Batterie­speicher ist das erste Mini-Grid-Projekt in ganz Madagaskar, das zu 100 % mit Erneuerbarer Energie betrieben wird.

Diese ImpactSite ist sowohl für den Insel­staat als auch für das Sozial­unternehmen Africa GreenTec ein Novum, denn sie unterscheidet sich auch von den anderen bisher implementierten ImpactSites. Aufgrund der Größe und Lage der Community Mahavelona wurde eine 120 kWp PV-Frei­flächen­anlage, statt des vom Unternehmen entwickelten containerisierten Solartainers, installiert.


Ein intelligentes Netz verteilt den Solar­strom über ein Prepaid-Tarif­system und ermöglicht Daten­analysen sowie Fernwartung. Jeder Haushalt verfügt über einen eigenen Anschluss inklusive intelligentem Stromzähler, einem sogenannten Smart Meter, welcher Daten empfängt und sendet sowie den Stromfluss in Echtzeit misst und steuert. So wird ein zuverlässiger Prepaid-Zahlungs­verkehr sicher­gestellt und jeder Kunde bezahlt nur den Strom, den er verbraucht.

Anders als andere Solar­anbieter in Madagaskar setzt Africa GreenTec zu 100 % auf Erneuerbare Energien und verwendet keinen Diesel­generator als Backup, sondern einen Batterie­speicher. Dank des Lithium-Ionen-Batterie­speichers steht auch in den Abend­stunden und bei starker Bewölkung Energie zur Verfügung. Der Speicher befindet sich in einem Gebäude neben dem Solarpark und ist auf das warme Klima und die Bedingungen im Globalen Süden angepasst, er ist mit einem eigens entwickelten Kühl­system ausgestattet.

Anfang Oktober wurde die ImpactSite unter der Anwesenheit des Energieministers Madagaskars offiziell eröffnet. In seiner Eröffnungs­rede sagt er:

Andry Heriniaina Ramaroson, Minister für Energie und Kohlenwasserstoffe Madagaskar

Als Techniker bin ich von der Qualität dieses infra­strukturellen Projekts überzeugt und beeindruckt. Daher gratuliere ich Ihnen (Africa GreenTec) im Namen des Staates und des Präsidenten der Republik zu dieser groß­artigen Arbeit. Vielen Dank! Sie sind echte Vorbilder für diese und zukünftige Generationen.

Andry Heriniaina Ramaroson, ehemaliger Minister für Energie und Kohlenwasserstoffe Madagaskar

Mahavelona hat seit Juli dieses Jahres zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte ein Strom­netz und eine zuverlässige und nach­haltige Strom­versorgung. Davon profitieren nicht nur Privat­haushalte, sondern vor allem auch kleine Unter­nehmen und öffentliche Einrichtungen wie Schulen, die örtliche Kranken­station und die Polizei­station. Zuvor waren die Straßen unbeleuchtet und der Tag nach Sonnen­untergang zu Ende. Dank der von Africa GreenTec entwickelten StreetUPs, autarke und 100 % solar­betriebene Straßen­beleuchtung, ist Mahavelona nun abends hell erleuchtet.


Die Strom­versorgung verändert das Leben jeder einzelnen Person in unserer Community. Unsere Möglich­keiten, eigene Unternehmen zu gründen, unsere Gesundheit und Lebens­qualität sowie die Sicherheit im ganzen Dorf haben sich immens gesteigert. Allein die Straßen­beleuchtung gibt uns und vor allem den Frauen im Dorf ein großes Gefühl der Sicherheit. Bevor Africa GreenTec das Projekt gestartet hat, hatten wir das Gefühl, ständig im Dunkeln zu leben. Wir alle wurden durch die Strom­versorgung empowert.

Frau Nivoarilalanjatovo, Bürgermeisterin Mahavelona, Madagaskar

Davor waren Diesel­generatoren die einzige Möglichkeit zur produktiven Strom­nutzung. Diese sind nicht nur schlecht für die Umwelt, sondern auch teuer und unzuverlässig. Die alten Generatoren gehen oft kaputt, der Diesel muss über weite Wege auf schlechten Straßen ins Dorf trans­portiert werden und ist deshalb nicht immer verfügbar. Mit diesen unkalkulier­baren Kosten ist es kaum möglich, ein profitables Unter­nehmen aufzubauen.

Durch den bezahlbaren und zuver­lässigen Strom eröffnen sich ganz neue wirtschaftliche Perspektiven für die Menschen in Mahavelona. Die ersten Unternehmen wie Schweißerei­betriebe haben auf effiziente elektrische Geräte umgestellt, auch der erste Farmer im Dorf hat mit Hilfe von Africa GreenTec eine neue Reis­schäl­maschine mit Elektro­antrieb gekauft und seinen Diesel­generator abgeschafft. Der erste Friseur­salon hat eröffnet, das lokale kleine Kino kann nun auch abends Filme zeigen. Zahlreiche kleine Geschäfte können nun Kühl- und Gefrier­schränke betreiben und dadurch gekühlte Getränke und Eis anbieten.


Die Solar­strom­versorgung eröffnet den Dorf­bewohner:innen viele Chancen, individuell und als Gemeinschaft ihre Lebens­verhältnisse zu verbessern. Sie erweitert Bildungs­angebote, reduziert den Einsatz von Diesel­generatoren und setzt eine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Gang, die mehr Leute vor Ort in Arbeit bringt, die Kauf­kraft stärkt und Flucht­ursachen bekämpft. Kurzum: Sie macht Zukunfts­träume greifbar. Für uns ist die Solar­strom­versorgung des Dorfes Mahavelona das perfekte Beispiel, wenn wir bei Polar­stern vom Ziel sprechen: "Mit Energie die Welt zu verändern. Wirklich."

Florian Henle, Gründer und Geschäftsführer Polarstern GmbH

Die Arbeit von Africa GreenTec hört an dieser Stelle nicht auf. Nach­haltig­keit liegt in der DNA des Sozial­unternehmens, ein wichtiger Faktor hierbei ist der langfristige fehlerfreie Betrieb der ImpactSites. Deshalb beschäftigt Africa GreenTec alleine in Mahavelona vier lokale Mitarbeiter, die die Anlage dauerhaft betreiben und warten. Nach und nach werden immer mehr Kunden an das Netz angeschlossen und auch weitere Dienst­leistungen sind in Planung. Aber die Pläne von Africa GreenTec gehen auch über Mahavelona hinaus. Die nächsten sechs ImpactSites sind bereits in Planung. Moritz Brauchle, Managing Director – AGT Madagascar, sagt:


Das erste Projekt ist immer ein ganz besonderes. Aller Anfang ist schwer, aber die Arbeit lohnt sich. Wir hätten uns keinen besseren Ort als Mahavelona wünschen können. Doch Mahavelona ist erst der Anfang. Wir freuen uns, zusammen mit dem Ministerium für Energie, ADER und ORE in Zukunft noch viele weitere Projekte so schnell wie möglich umsetzen zu können und Madagaskar zum Vorbild für Erneuerbare Energien zu machen.

Aber nicht nur in Madagaskar hat Africa GreenTec große Visionen. Bis 2030 will das Sozial­unternehmen insgesamt drei Millionen Menschen in Afrika mit Energie versorgen und 1,2 Millionen Tonnen CO2 einsparen. Finanziert werden die Projekte unter anderem mithilfe von Crowd­investing: statt für das Projekt zu spenden, wird investiert. Investoren haben zum einen die Möglichkeit, vom wachsenden Markt für nachhaltige Energie­lösungen zu profitieren. Zum anderen können sie Bewohner:innen in Dörfern wie Mahavelona mehr Selbst­bestimmung und wirtschaftlichem Wachstum ermöglichen.

November 2022

Home Olympic Legend Edwin Moses Supports AGT's Series B

Africa GreenTec AG Launches Series B for Impact Investors Together With Olympic Legend Edwin Moses


"Over hurdles to success" could be the life motto of American exceptional athlete, Olympic champion and world record holder Edwin Moses. After all, he developed his own running style, trained relentlessly and dominated the 400-meter hurdles discipline for nearly two decades with his focus, elegance and speed. With this performance, he electrified the entire world. The races against the German European champion Harald Schmid, in particular, were legendary. Now Edwin Moses competes for Germany – and Africa.

As an advocate for clean sport, the world-famous Olympic legend has entered into a collaboration with the German scale-up enterprise Africa Greentec AG. Symbolically, the "clean sport to sustainable energy solutions" hurdle was quickly crossed. The social enterprise's holistic approach sparked the enthusiasm of Dr. Edwin Moses, a physics graduate and business and finance consultant.

On the occasion of the preparations for the Series B crowdfunding campaign, he recently visited the Africa GreenTec Office in the Impact Hub Berlin. Edwin Moses sees an enormous but underestimated growth market in Africa and is convinced that Africa GreenTec, as a pioneer for sustainable energy solutions, is ideally equipped to overcome the hurdle to success for and with the African continent. However, he is convinced that action must be taken quickly, because the war in Ukraine and the resulting energy and hunger crises have consequences for Africa in particular and threaten to lead to catastrophes. It is also for these reasons that Edwin Moses supports the Series B financing round that has just been launched, as well as the associated crowdinvesting campaign of the scale-up.

Edwin Moses bei Africa GreenTec in Berlin

Founded in 2016, the social enterprise Africa GreenTec continues to scale and offers investors to come on board. In this way, they can become part of the success story and participate directly in the AG in the form of profit participation rights from as little as €250. Investors get the prospect of an attractive return on their investment while creating a sustainable impact on 11 of the UN’s 17 sustainability goals. Through its holistic renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Africa GreenTec not only actively combats climate change, but also provides people with access to electricity, internet, drinking water and cold chains, thus opening up new opportunities and perspectives.

Matthias Meisinger is already an investor in Africa GreenTec and has the following to say about his personal motivation:

Global resource consumption is pushing our planet ever closer to the abyss - to the benefit of the prosperity of a few, even though many do not even have access to electricity. This is one of the most burning issues of our time.

Africa GreenTec is a young company with a vision, innovative ideas and passionate commitment. And with a solution that also has incredible business potential. Africa GreenTec and my capital are helping each other to advance this solution, which is why I invested.

Matthias Meisinger
The successful Series A financing round in 2020/2021 proved that the investment case is particularly interesting for investors who, in addition to achieving a return, want to make a difference with their capital.

Imagine you need to set up your craft business in an African village and you don't have reliable access to electricity. Your only option is to use a diesel generator. Diesel is hard to get and expensive due to the lack of infrastructure in your country, the generator is smelly, noisy and pollutes the environment as well as your immediate neighborhood. Thus, young people in particular have no job perspective whatsoever. We are changing this and creating new ways for thousands of people and a whole generation.

as Malian-born Aida Schreiber, co-founder of Africa GreenTec points out

In Africa alone, more than 600 million people today have no access to electricity and, as a result, no cooling facilities, no clean drinking water, and no access to education and the Internet. Africa GreenTec uses the latest PV, battery and smart meter technology to enable the implementation of cost-effective decentralized solutions in the most remote areas. The company does not rely on outdated development aid approaches and donations, but on the social business concept of Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. This means that the company sells its services to local customers at fair prices and at the same time achieves measurable impact.

Mini-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa – The Market of the Future

An investment in Africa GreenTec’s enterprise and its projects will, above all, bring opportunities for an appropriate financial return, in addition to the certainty of making a difference. According to a study by the World Bank, over 200 billion euros in investments will be needed by 2030 to supply 500 million people with electricity and meet the UN's goals.

As a pioneer, Africa GreenTec is already firmly established in this growth market. Locally anchored country subsidiaries, close contacts to key decision makers and over 25 projects already implemented demonstrate Africa GreenTec's strong position and vast experience. With its 135 employees (more than 100 of them in Africa), the company is perfectly positioned to secure a large market share in the future and to multiply its enterprise value. Already in the last 2 years, the company valuation of Africa GreenTec AG has almost tripled. The range of services and products is growing steadily, so that Africa GreenTec already offers electricity, cooling, water and light combined in one ImpactSite. Further technologies are already under development and are constantly expanding the holistic approach.


In addition to scaling up in the current target markets of Senegal, Madagascar, Mali and Niger, the social enterprise's next steps are to expand its holistic ImpactSite® approach, implement new energy-efficient products, provide energy to medium-sized businesses and entire cities, and establish a production and training facility in Dakar, Senegal.

Africa GreenTec is now inviting impact investors to become part of the company and its vision to empower 3 million people with renewable energy solutions and to set local growth spirals in motion, saving over 1.4 million tons of CO2 with concrete, measurable projects.

July 2022

Home Africa GreenTec AG Launches Series B for Impact Investors

Africa GreenTec AG Launches Series B for Impact Investors

Africa GreenTec Kunde Mali

The social enterprise Africa GreenTec, founded in 2016, continues to scale and offers investors to come on board. This way, they can become part of the success story and directly participate in the AG in the form of shares. Investors get the prospect of an attractive return on investment while creating a sustainable impact on 11 of the UN's 17 sustainable development goals through their participation. Through its holistic renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Africa GreenTec is not only actively combating climate change, but also providing people with access to electricity, internet, drinking water and cold chains, thus opening up new opportunities and perspectives.

The successful Series A financing round in 2020/2021 has proven that the investment case is particularly interesting for investors who, in addition to achieving a return, want to make a difference with their capital.

Matthias Meisinger is already an investor in Africa GreenTec and says the following about his personal motivation:

The global consumption of resources is pushing our planet ever closer to the abyss – in favor of the prosperity of a few, although many do not even have access to electricity. This is one of the most urgent problems of our time. Africa GreenTec is a young company with a vision, innovative ideas and passionate commitment. And with a solution that also has incredible business potential. Africa GreenTec and my capital are helping each other to advance this solution, which is why I invested.
Matthias Meisinger

In Africa, more than 600 million people today have no access to electricity and, as a result, no cooling facilities, no clean drinking water, and no access to education and the Internet. Africa GreenTec uses the latest PV, battery and smart meter technology to enable implementation of cost-effective decentralized solutions in the most remote areas. The company does not rely on outdated development aid approaches and donations, but on the social business concept of Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. This means that the company sells its services to local customers at fair prices and at the same time achieves measurable impact.

Imagine you need to set up your craft business in an African village and you don't have reliable access to electricity. Your only option is to use a diesel generator. Diesel is hard to get and expensive due to lack of infrastructure in your country, the generator is smelly, noisy and pollutes the environment as well as your immediate neighborhood. Thus, young people in particular have no job prospects whatsoever. We are changing this and creating new ways for thousands of people and a whole generation
states Aida Schreiber, who was born and raised in Mali and is co-founder of Africa GreenTec.

Mini-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa – The Market of the Future

An investment in Africa GreenTec and its projects will, above all, bring opportunities for an appropriate financial return, in addition to the certainty of making a difference. According to a study by the World Bank, over 200 billion euros in investments will be needed by 2030 to supply 500 million people with electricity and meet the UN's goals.

As a pioneer, Africa GreenTec is already firmly established in this growing market. Locally anchored country subsidiaries, close contacts to key decision makers and over 25 already implemented projects demonstrate Africa GreenTec's strong position and long-term experience. With its 135 employees (more than 100 of them in Africa), the company is perfectly positioned to secure a large market share in the future and to multiply its enterprise value. Already in the last 2 years, the company valuation of Africa GreenTec AG has almost tripled. The range of services and products is growing steadily, so that Africa GreenTec now offers electricity, cooling, water and light combined in one ImpactSite. Further technologies are already under development and are constantly expanding the holistic approach.

In addition to scaling up in the current target markets of Senegal, Madagascar, Mali and Niger, the social enterprise's next steps are to expand its holistic ImpactSite approach, implement new energy-efficient products, provide energy to medium-sized businesses and entire cities, and establish a production and training facility in Dakar, Senegal.

Africa GreenTec is now inviting impact investors to become part of the company and its vision to empower 3 million people with renewable energy solutions and kick-start local growth spirals, saving over 1.4 million tons of CO2 with concrete, measurable projects.

June 2022

Home Africa GreenTec Relocates Production to Senegal

Africa GreenTec Relocates Production to Senegal and Establishes Its Own Training Academy


As a pioneer for solar mini-grids on the African continent, Africa GreenTec has been developing, designing and building its own ImpactSites®, sustainable and holistic energy solutions, since 2016. These provide entire village communities in the Global South with electricity, cold chains, internet, water pumps and drinking water - all of which are self-sufficient and powered exclusively by solar energy.

Not only is Senegal the fourth country in which Africa GreenTec is now operating, but its strategic location on the Atlantic Ocean also means it will play an important role for this social enterprise in the future. The capital Dakar is being developed as Africa GreenTec's new headquarters for Africa.

We are very proud that by moving production from Germany to Africa, we are also creating highly skilled jobs in Africa and mapping the entire value chain locally.
Torsten Schreiber, Founder & CMO - AGT AG

In the N’diob region in Senegal, Africa GreenTec is currently putting the first Solartainer® into operation, providing, in this initial phase, clean energy to 120 households as well as numerous small businesses and public institutions. All in all, 50 villages in Senegal are to be equipped with Solartainers.

Furthermore, Africa Green Tec is planning to establish a training academy in Senegal, so that the entire production, logistics, as well as operation & maintenance can take place in Senegal in the future. The new production facility will manufacture, in particular, the Solartainers and Cooltainers® for the entire African market. The academy will focus on the training of production specialists and qualified electricians.

Since the foundation of Africa GreenTec in 2016, 80 technicians have already been trained and employed in Mali and Niger, who are currently entrusted with the maintenance and servicing of the sites. The academy will now allow Africa GreenTec to give even more young people access to qualified training. It will also be made accessible to students who do not work for Africa GreenTec.

The relocation is an important and consistent step for the growing company towards empowering people in the Global South to achieve greater growth and self-determination.

The value chain of many companies is mostly not located in Africa. We would like to change this problem in our company and have therefore decided to move our company focus, including production and operations, to West Africa. This can start an economic growth curve that will tremendously benefit both the village communities in sub-Saharan Africa and our investors.
Wolfgang Rams, Co-Founder & CEO - AGT AG

Overall, the mini-grid market is predicted to add approximately 200,000 sites with an investment of €200 billion by 2030 (source: World Bank 2019). Africa GreenTec plans to build at least 500 of its own sites over the next few years.

May 2022

Home Innovation Partnership Between Africa GreenTec and AUDI AG

Innovation Partnership Between Africa GreenTec and AUDI AG

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What does AUDI AG have to do with the sustainable electrification of African villages? Together with the social enterprise Africa GreenTec, the automotive group is showing how batteries from the Audi e-tron can be reused to supply rural regions in Africa with electricity from renewable energies at night.

We can only achieve the global energy transition together with industry. With AUDI AG, we have gained an excellent partner to enable the use of high-performance and high-quality battery storage systems effectively and for a long time and in a meaningful way. We look forward to using the battery modules in our ImpactSites®.
underlines Torsten Schreiber, CEO and founder of Africa GreenTec

According to forecasts by WirtschaftsWoche, Germany's three largest automakers will produce more than 1 million electric cars this year, and the trend is rising (source: WirtschaftsWoche, 2020).

Experts are therefore looking for sensible "2nd-life" applications for batteries from used and test vehicles to further improve the ecological footprint. In most cases, lithium-ion batteries are still very powerful and well suited for stationary use, even if they possibly no longer meet all the criteria for dynamic applications such as mobility.

Africa GreenTec, as a partner to industry, wants to use the innovation partnership to show how 2nd-life batteries can be usefully combined with its own Africa expertise. Access to electricity is the key to sustainable development and can set in motion a growth spiral with many positive knock-on effects. As a pioneer, Africa GreenTec has already been using high-quality lithium-ion storage in its Solartainer® to supply villages in sub-Saharan Africa with electricity since 2015. An intelligent power grid distributes the electricity via a PrePaid tariff system and enables data analysis and remote maintenance.

AUDI AG has now been won as a partner to use powerful batteries from electric vehicles with a high capacity for village electrification.

AUDI AG is pleased to test another exciting application for 2nd-life storage together with Africa GreenTec. Due to the high Audi quality standards, our high-voltage batteries are ideally suited for the specific local climatic conditions. In addition to sustainability and technical aspects, social aspects also play an important role in this cooperation.
says Hagen Seifert, Head of Sustainable Product Concepts at Audi

The new partnership and research cooperation will allow batteries from test vehicles to be used in a pilot project. In the medium term, Africa GreenTec would like to expand the partnership with AUDI AG and equip a total of at least 50 villages in the Sahel region with 2nd-life batteries from e-mobility. The batteries will be returned to Audi AG after use for comprehensive battery recycling.

In addition to the sustainability component in the partnership, Africa GreenTec sees great potential in the ability to reduce the production costs of the Solartainers and store electricity more cheaply. This is an important step towards further driving the impact and scaling of the social enterprise. Since its founding, the company has completely eliminated the use of diesel generators in all projects and relies on lithium-ion batteries for power at night

The Solartainer is the core element of the Africa GreenTec ImpactSites. The ImpactSite demonstrates how technology solutions empower people to shape their future in a sustainable and more self-determined way, and to seize opportunities for new jobs and income. Cold chains and water treatment enable better management of the weather impacts of climate change and new perspectives counteract migration.

September 2021